My Chorus Class

Lately, I have been enjoying chorus class a lot. I’ve always enjoyed singing and chorus has always been fun for me. But, we’ve been doing a lot more singing lately because my teacher was out of school for a while and soon we have our performance, so when she got back we had to work very hard. As of when I’m writing this, my performance is tomorrow.

Even though we didn’t have a lot of time to work on our songs, the program is coming together very well. In fact, I have a solo in the song “Guns and Ships” from Hamilton. It took a lot of coercing to get her to do Guns and Ships because a large portion of the song is solo parts and she doesn’t usually do solos for her classes with the 5th and 6th grade. My chorus experience this year is coming to a close but I look forward to hopefully doing chorus again.

1 thought on “My Chorus Class

  1. Willem! I loved reading your blog post about your experience in chorus this trimester! You are right, it took some convincing to get me to agree to “Guns and Ships,” but you and your classmates proved how well you could perform it. Your solo had fantastic timing and emphasis. I was so proud of all of you! I would of course LOVE to have you in Vocal Ensemble in a future year. You would thrive!

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