My Ideal World

In my ideal world, the environment is a mix of mountains, forest, and snow. For half of the year it is pitch black, like midnight. For the other half of the year it is a beautiful sunset. Like Earth, there is a lot of wildlife but there are no bugs and the environment is fine without them.

My planet’s name is Webb-1 because after it was discovered by the JWST (James Webb Space Telescope), me, my friends, and my family were sent there. On Webb-1 the atmosphere is 30% oxygen so that people don’t run out of breath as easily. For reference, the oxygen content of the atmosphere of Earth is around 21%. For the dark part of the year, there is an amazing view of the planet’s rings and 2 moons as well as the Milky Way in which Webb-1 is located. The stars also light up the planet’s beautiful rings.

There is free healthcare as well as robotic surgeons with a 100% success rate. Everyone can Live as long as they like and when they decide to die, there will be a farewell celebration that is happy and celebrates life instead of mourning.

On Webb-1, there is free education from robots and education has been basically perfected here. It fixes the problems of students disliking school and work. They will combat this by making school very engaging.

Every 6 months, one new person comes to Webb-1 because at some point we need to widen our circles. Of course friends fall out eventually, so in my world friends stay friends forever. Because people can live however long they want eventually a big community will be built and I think that is really good.

On my planet, there is no crime or violence. This is because in the world there is too much competition and senseless violence. I want the planet to be very safe and a peaceful place to relax.

 Overall, my planet focuses on having peace and natural beauty.

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